
Showing posts from October, 2021

How Has the Hong Kong Car Subwoofers Changed Over the Years?

  Hong Kong output has gone through a massive metamorphosis since I first purchased my x3 35i back in June of 2021. I was initially drawn to the city by its temperate climate and its reputation as being a cheap city to live in. In all truth, the city does offer some great living conditions for the money that one can pay, especially if you have access to an efficient public transport system. But is it still worth spending so much money on an imported vehicle when you could save that money by developing your own custom built car? The original intention of Hong Kong car makers was always to mass produce cars that would be suitable for importation from Japan, but the arrival of cheaper labour in the country has meant that Hong Kong companies are now aiming for more mainstream designs on their own. The result has been a whole new range of hk output cars, SUV's and vans that can compete with any model from Europe or America and can be had for less than half the price. These cars are ofte